Sunday 18 March 2007


You have to love old Penguins. They don't make covers like this anymore. Sometimes I buy them just for the covers, and have found some good books this way.

(When one of the hostages in Lebanon, maybe Brian Keenan or Terry Waite, was being held, their captors brought them books, but they weren't very good ones - so they drew a symbol of a penguin and said 'See if you can bring me one with this on' - knowing it would be a guarantee of quality.)


tony said...

Book Covers & Book Titles are often like Coffee.......they smell much better than they taste.......!

Anonymous said...

There's a nice story of one of the hostages - can't remember which one - after a gazillion years of silence, being given a postcard that someone had randomly sent in the hope it'd reach them, and it did. It was a highlight, as you can well imagine. And now I feel like having a little cry.

Annie said...

Hi Tony - you're so right - sometimes I think the hardest thing about writing must be coming up with a good title.

BiB - awwww. A good advert for the postal service, like this is a good advert for Penguin...