Thursday 18 October 2007

When Roobarb Made A Spike


Anonymous said...

I think I hated Roobarb and Custard when I was a nipper, but that is hilarious, and I have shown it to the Russian to prove that our animation was better than their animation (which probably isn't true, actually). He liked it too, but did ask, "Vy ze byirds on spreengs?"

Annie said...

It is hilarious isn't it? I like kids' programmes which wink at adults - Richard Briers' narration is perfect. I don't know vy ze byirds on spreengs - I like they way they 'jump into the sky and float about' when they see Roobarb coming.

Wasn't that funny mole cartoon Russian? (or maybe it was Czech, now I come to think of it...)

Anonymous said...

All the best kids telly gives adults that knowing wink. I loved Roobarb and Custard (altough I was probably too old for it, but having a much younger sister was a brilliant excuse).

I think you're right, the mole was Czech.