Tuesday 29 September 2009

The Cabinet Maker's Granddaughter

So what would you like to do? she says patiently.

I'd like to listen to the radio and make things out of wood all day. That's what I want to do. And not have to talk to anyone or go to another bullshit management-speak meeting ever again.

I like wood. I've got old wooden tables, wooden boxes, bits and pieces from Brick Lane, secondhand shops, fleamarkets... I wish now I'd bought the wooden hatmakers' head covered in pins I saw in Colombia Road, it looked like a voodoo artefact or some spooky modern sculpture, but it weighed a ton.

It's pure fantasy though, despite the fact that I'm a cabinet maker's granddaughter, the last time I did any woodwork was in 1983, when I was 12. I'd just left a girl's school (due to family wranglings) and gone to the local mixed comprehensive.

The woodwork teacher was a big, bluff grey bloke, and I was a cack-handed clumsy ex-private schoolgirl. For some reason we got on like a house on fire. The project he set was making an ashtray - think about that - an ashtray, made out of wood. My ashtray was pretty rubbish, as I'm not so good with my hands. But but but... look what I found here. They need carpenters (and wheelwrights, and blacksmiths) and they offer bursaries.

Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel yet.

I'd like to make something like this too - as made by the Robots, in Brighton.

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